Berger Picard: Traits, Health, Diet and Care

Berger Picards

Explore the intriguing world of Berger Picards with our guide on their dietary needs, training techniques, health care tips, and frequently asked questions.

Coat Type: Wiry
Coat Length: Medium
Male Height: 23.5-25.5 inches
Female Height: 21.5-23.5 inches
Male Weight: 50-70 pounds
Female Weight: 50-70 pounds
Life Expectancy: 12-13 years

Breed Characteristics

Adaptability level
Affectionate with family
Drooling level
Barking level
Coat grooming frequency
Energy level
Good with other dogs
Good with young children
Mental stimulation needs
Openness to strangers
Playfulness level
Shedding level
Trainability level
Watchdog protective nature


The Berger Picard, an ancient French herding dog, has charmed its way into the hearts of dog lovers worldwide. Known for their distinctive, shaggy appearance and intelligent, expressive eyes, these dogs are not just a rare sight but also a breed that boasts a unique combination of traits. Their popularity has grown steadily, thanks in part to their versatile nature and adaptability, making them suitable companions for a variety of lifestyles.

In this article, we delve into the enchanting world of Berger Picards, covering everything from their playful personality and robust health to practical training tips and dietary needs. Whether you're a prospective owner or a seasoned Berger Picard enthusiast, you’ll find valuable insights into optimizing their care, understanding their behavior, and ensuring they lead happy, well-rounded lives.

So, whether you're curious about the best exercises for this energetic breed, seeking advice on training, or wondering about common health questions, you're in the right place. Let's discover what makes the Berger Picard such a beloved and captivating breed.

Berger Picards Traits and Characteristics

  Berger Picards are a captivating breed, known for their distinctive appearance and lively character. These medium-sized dogs carry themselves with a poised elegance that is matched by their spirited and affectionate nature. They possess a range of traits that make them both a joy and a responsibility for dog owners. Here is a closer look at the qualities that define them:

  • Affectionate with family: This breed forms strong bonds with their human families, showing a great deal of affection and loyalty. They are known for being loving and devoted companions.
  • Good with young children and other dogs: With proper socialization, they can be wonderful playmates for children and can coexist peacefully with other dogs.
  • Shedding and grooming: They have a wiry coat that sheds a moderate amount. Grooming is relatively easy due to their coat type, which requires minimal maintenance.
  • Drooling: Owners will be pleased to find that these dogs have a low tendency to drool.
  • Coat: They boast a wiry, medium-length coat that provides them with a rustic and hardy look.
  • Openness to strangers: These dogs tend to be friendly towards strangers, often greeting them amicably, provided they've been well-socialized.
  • Playfulness: Their playful nature makes them a delightful addition to any household that enjoys an active lifestyle.
  • Watchdog and protective nature: They have a natural instinct to protect their home and family, making them attentive and reliable watchdogs.
  • Adaptability: They adapt well to different living situations when their physical and mental needs are met.
  • Trainability: Known for being intelligent and responsive, they are generally easy to train, responding well to consistent and positive training methods.
  • Energy and exercise: High energy levels mean they require regular, vigorous exercise to maintain their health and happiness.
  • Barking: They are not excessive barkers, but they will alert their owners to anything unusual.
  • Mental stimulation: To keep their sharp minds satisfied, they need plenty of mental stimulation through training, play, and interactive toys.
  • Size: Male Berger Picards stand between 23.5 to 25.5 inches tall, while females are slightly smaller, ranging from 21.5 to 23.5 inches in height.
  • Weight: Both males and females weigh in at a sturdy 50 to 70 pounds.
  • Life expectancy: With proper care, these dogs typically enjoy a life expectancy of 12 to 13 years.

Understanding these traits is essential for anyone considering welcoming a Berger Picard into their home. They are a breed that thrives on companionship and activity, making them an ideal match for an engaging and dynamic lifestyle.

Food and Nutrition - Keeping Berger Picards Healthy

Berger Picards, with their robust energy levels and intelligent minds, require a well-balanced diet to sustain their active lifestyle. A diet rich in nutrients is crucial for maintaining their health and supporting their wiry coats, strong bones, and overall vitality.

High-quality dog food that meets the nutrient requirements for Berger Picards can ensure that these dogs have the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals for optimal health. Low fat dog food options can be considered for those with lower activity levels to prevent weight gain, while still providing a balanced mix of nutrients.

Good dog food for Berger Picards should include whole proteins, healthy fats, and digestible carbohydrates to support their energy needs. Feeding them the right amount is just as important, and it’s recommended to feed adult Berger Picards two meals per day.

High calorie dog treats can be used sparingly as rewards, but it's important to account for these when considering their overall caloric intake to maintain a balanced diet. A consistent feeding routine, along with regular exercise, contributes to a healthy lifestyle and can help prevent common health problems in the breed.

While commercial dog foods are formulated to be complete and balanced, incorporating additional treats like our chew product can offer supplementary benefits. The Tibetan Dog Chew, made from natural ingredients like yak and cow milk, provides a high-protein, long-lasting chew that can aid in dental hygiene.

Chewing is a natural behavior for dogs, and it helps to keep their teeth clean and reduce tartar build-up. However, it's essential to remember that our chew product is not a replacement for their main diet but rather a beneficial addition for occasional enjoyment. Owners should always ensure that the primary diet remains the central source of nutrition for their Berger Picards.

Tibetan Dog Chew - Keeps Your Dog Happy, Healthy & Engaged

Unleash the unbeatable goodness and unmatched quality for your dog with our yak cheese dog chews! Our 100% natural, hand-crafted, preservative-free, and long-lasting chews are the perfect treat for your furry friends.

Health Information of Berger Picards

Berger Picards are generally healthy dogs with a life expectancy of 12 to 13 years, but like all breeds, they may be susceptible to certain health conditions. Being aware of these common health issues and providing routine care can help ensure that these dogs lead a full and healthy life. Here are some health tips and common concerns for Berger Picards:

  • Hip Dysplasia: This is a hereditary condition where the thighbone doesn't fit snugly into the hip joint. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian can help manage this condition, and maintaining a healthy weight can reduce stress on the joints.
  • Eye Problems: They can inherit or develop certain eye conditions, so monitoring their eye health is important. Annual eye exams by a vet can help detect issues early on.
  • Bloat: Also known as gastric torsion, bloat can be life-threatening and tends to occur in larger breeds. Preventive measures include feeding smaller meals throughout the day and avoiding vigorous exercise around meal times.

In addition to these concerns, routine care for Berger Picards should include:

  • Regular veterinary check-ups to ensure they are in good health.
  • Staying up to date with vaccinations and parasite control to prevent diseases.
  • Dental hygiene is crucial for overall health. Providing chew toys and treats, such as our antler products, can help maintain good dental health by naturally cleaning teeth and reducing tartar accumulation.
  • Mental and physical exercise to keep them stimulated and fit, which can help prevent anxiety and destructive behaviors like excessive chewing.

Our antler products can support dental health as part of a Berger Picard's regular grooming routine. These chews are long-lasting and provide a healthy outlet for their natural chewing instincts, which can be beneficial for their dental hygiene and overall well-being.

It's essential to remember that while preventative care and health tips can be useful, they are not a substitute for professional veterinary advice. If there are any signs of health issues or concerns, it's always best to consult with a veterinarian who can provide appropriate medical care for your Berger Picard.

How To Train and Care Berger Picards

Training Berger Picards requires consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. These intelligent dogs have a high trainability level, which makes them receptive to learning commands and tricks. Effective training methods include reward-based training, where good behavior is rewarded with treats, praise, or playtime.

Consistency in commands and routines helps them understand expectations and strengthens the bond between the dog and owner. Regular, short training sessions can keep their attention and make learning more enjoyable for both the dog and trainer.

When it comes to training treats, our Puffs products can be an excellent choice. These treats, sharing the same natural, limited ingredients as our chew product – such as yak and cow milk, salt, and lime juice – are a healthier option for rewarding your Berger Picard during training sessions.

Their high protein content and palatability make them an appealing and motivating snack, especially when learning new commands or reinforcing positive behaviors. As with any treat, it's important to use them judiciously to maintain a balanced diet.

Care tips for successful training include providing ample exercise to manage their high energy levels and incorporating mental stimulation to keep their minds sharp. Obedience training for Berger Picards can often be done effectively at home with the right approach and resources.

Remember that treats like our Puffs products should complement, not replace, their main meals. Always monitor their overall intake to prevent overfeeding. With the right training approach and the occasional use of our Puffs products as a reward, Berger Picards can learn to follow basic dog training commands and even master more complex tasks, all while maintaining their health and happiness.

Watch your dog chew on pure happiness!

Introducing Yak Cheese Puffs – the ultimate delight for your furry friend's taste buds. Keep them entertained and satisfied with a treat that's as joyful as they are!

Frequently Asked Questions about Berger Picards

How much exercise does a Berger Picard need?

Berger Picards are active dogs with high energy levels, so they require regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. It's recommended that they get at least an hour of physical activity each day, which can include walks, runs, playtime, or dog sports. Exercise for Berger Picards not only helps to keep them fit but also provides the necessary mental stimulation to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors.

What are the best training practices for a Berger Picard?

The best training practices for Berger Picards involve consistency, positive reinforcement, and patience. These intelligent dogs respond well to reward-based training, where they are praised or given treats, like our Puffs products, for obeying commands. Short, engaging training sessions will help keep their attention. Basic dog training commands should be introduced early on, and obedience training for Berger Picards can be done effectively at home.

How do I maintain the coat of a Berger Picard?

Regular grooming for Berger Picards should include brushing their wiry, medium-length coat once or twice a week to remove loose fur and prevent matting. They don't require frequent baths, but their coat should be kept clean and free of debris. Routine care also involves checking their ears for signs of infection and trimming their nails regularly to avoid discomfort while walking.

What should I feed my Berger Picard?

Feeding your Berger Picard a balanced diet formulated for their specific nutrient requirements is essential. Good dog food for Berger Picards will contain high-quality proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates, along with necessary vitamins and minerals. It's important to feed them twice a day and adjust portions based on their age, size, and activity level. Treats should be given in moderation, and high-calorie dog treats should be accounted for in their overall diet to prevent overfeeding.

Are there any common health problems in Berger Picards?

While Berger Picards are generally healthy, they can be prone to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia, eye problems, and bloat. Routine veterinary care, a proper diet, regular exercise, and monitoring for early signs of health issues can help manage these risks. Always seek veterinary advice if you have concerns about your dog's health.

Can Berger Picards live in an apartment?

Berger Picards can adapt to apartment living if their exercise and mental stimulation needs are met. They thrive in environments where they can expend their energy and stay active. However, potential owners should ensure they have the time and resources to provide adequate daily exercise, even without a backyard.

How do I deal with my Berger Picard's chewing behavior?

Chewing is a natural behavior for dogs, and providing appropriate chew toys can help manage this instinct. Our chew product, like the Tibetan Dog Chew, can be a suitable option for allowing your Berger Picard to engage in this behavior safely. Always supervise your dog with any new chew to ensure they are not ingesting large pieces that could cause choking or blockages.

Remember, any dog care questions or concerns regarding your Berger Picard's health or behavior should be directed to a professional veterinarian or a certified dog trainer for the most accurate advice and guidance.


This article shares information about dog breeds for educational purposes only, using the American Kennel Club (AKC) as our main source because they're experts on dog breeds. But remember, every dog is unique. What we share might not fit every single dog, even if they are from the same breed. If your dog needs help, whether it's for health or behavior, it's always best to talk to a vet or a dog trainer. They can give advice that fits your pet's specific needs.

We want to help you learn about dogs and how to take care of them, but we can't replace professional advice. Always check with a professional if you're not sure about something to make sure your dog is healthy and happy.